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Go Back to News BZ Consulting completed 1 year certifying the volumes of crude oil transported by the Trans-Andean Pipeline from Argentina

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

BZ Consulting completed 1 year certifying the volumes of crude oil transported by the Trans-Andean Pipeline from Argentina

BZ Consulting Ltda, recognized as a leader in liquid bulk measurement, ISO 17020 accredited by the INN and certified by the National Customs Service, has intensified its commitment to the precise control of the quantities of crude oil transported from Argentina (Vaca Muerta), through the Trans-Andean Pipeline, to the OTC Terminal (Trans-Andean Pipeline Chile) in Talcahuano. During this year of continuous work, our field staff has specialized in dynamic measurements using LACT units, marking a significant milestone in the industry.

The LACT (Lease Automatic Custody Transfer) unit is a set of equipment, instruments and pipes that allows measuring with a high degree of accuracy the volume transported and/or received at destination. It has ultrasonic flow meters, an automatic in-line sampler and a bi-directional prover for calibrating the meters, in addition to other measurement and control instruments associated with the process.

In order to guarantee accurate and reliable measurements, BZ Consulting has focused its efforts on the ongoing training of its staff and the continuous improvement of the service it provides to its client, OTC Chile. In this regard, we have developed advanced data management tools, based primarily on Power BI, thus optimizing the processes of collecting and analyzing information online.

This comprehensive approach not only strengthens BZ Consulting’s position as a benchmark in specialized inspections, but also improves operational efficiency in the management of energy resources. With a vision for the future, the company continues to lead innovation in the sector, anticipating emerging challenges and demands in the oil and gas industry.

BZ Consulting completed 1 year certifying the volumes of crude oil transported by the Trans-Andean Pipeline from Argentina