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Saturday, August 24, 2024

Accuracy in Storage: Calibration of LPG Tanks in Talcahuano

Calibration of two 22 m long, 227 m3 capacity cylindrical-horizontal tanks for the storage of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Propane and Butane) in Talcahuano. Note that the liquid level measuring instrument, Magnetel, is designed to accurately determine the percentage of tank fill, in relation to its total capacity. From the calibration of the tank, a Calibration Table is obtained that relates the height of the liquid with the volume of liquid contained inside, in addition to determining the total capacity of the tank with a resolution of 1 liter. Therefore, in addition to the Height vs Volume calibration table, it is also required to develop a table that relates the percentage of fill, measured by the Magnetel, with the volume of liquid. There is no linear relationship between the height of the liquid and the percentage of fill, except when that height corresponds to 50% of the total height of the tank. At that point, the % of Fill will also be 50% of the tank capacity. In the technical reviews we carried out a few years ago in most of the country’s LPG terminals, we detected that the two concepts (Liquid Height and % Filling) had not been correctly differentiated, so the % vs Volume tables presented incorrect volume data, which in certain height ranges, represented up to a 14% error. Of course, all these anomalies were corrected thanks to the intervention of BZ Consulting.

BZ Consulting, the Value of Experience!

Accuracy in Storage: Calibration of LPG Tanks in TalcahuanoAccuracy in Storage: Calibration of LPG Tanks in Talcahuano